Paths / Western tourist alley

Itinerary: Bear Lake – Salt Hill – Forest road – Lookout tower
Route length:
515 m
Difference in elevation: 48 m
The western tourist alley, the second route after Hazel Lake, starts from the path around Bear Lake, ascends forest-capped hills up to the boundaries of the protected area, where it crosses  with the forest road leading to Lake Tivoli. The trail was created with the purpose to connect Bear Lake with the tourist area located in the northern part of the city. At the beginning of the path, above the Salt Hill, an observation-spot offers a panoramic view of the Red and Green Lakes and after advancing between deciduous and mixed forests, it reaches the sinkholes of the Salt Hill, which are funnel-shaped circular depressions.
The end of the trail is marked by a strategically placed, two level structure overlooking the north-eastern part of the town. Leaving the observation spot behind, on the forest road leading towards the town, we can easily reach the 28 m high lookout tower, the lookout tower.

5. Consequatur aut perferendis


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