Roman-catholic chapel

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The history of the Roman-Catholic chapel from the Tyúkász Hill started with the building of the Roman-Catholic Church in 1876. János Esztergár, a hermit, raised the 14 stations of the cross on the hill side, where Christians used to climb the way of the cross until the year 1900. The idea of building a chapel appeared in the mind of Esztergár in 1886, when he decided to raise the building from donations. He started to build the chapel, but without the necessary licence and funds, the vicar at that time, Dénes Gazda, stopped the work. While the vicar tried to obtain the permission, the hermit traveled to gather 500 donated Crowns  from the whole area of Transylvania. In 1887, with the necessary licence and funds, they started to build the chapel. In 1889 they got the permission of the bishopric and a portable altar, too, as a gift. In this year Dénes Gazda consecrated the chapel.


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