Magistrates' Villa

Full description

Starting from Mária Spring to Bear Lake, the first imposing building we will find along the route will be the Magistrates' Villa, built by the Bar Association of Transylvania between the two world wars and which highlights the mastery of local craftsmen. The villa has a capacity of over 30 rooms. 
Beautiful decorations can be seen at the top of the vaulted windows. The main facade of the three-storey high wooden building is defined by the four prominent parts. 
According to some old postcards, in the courtyard in front of the villa there were several adjoining wooden rooms, which were later demolished.
On the ground floor of the villa there was the most modern and hygienic treatment base of the famous balneologist from Vienna, Dr. Marius Sturza, with hydro- and electrotherapy facilities.
The villa was built between 1930-1932, and it had 30 rooms, a kitchen, a restaurant, a bowling alley, a fountain and its own lighting, offering people coming here for rest and relaxation exactly what they were looking for.


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