Lookout tower

Full description

If you are on the shores of the Bear Lake and want to reach the lookout tower, all you have to do is to follow the route of the Western tourist alley. Passing the old Snakes Lake and the salt marshes and wooded hills, we reach the point where the Western tourist alley crosses the road leading to Lake Tivoli. Heading to the left, next to a wooden building, we can see the northern part of the town.
Continuing the route, we reach our destination, the imposing 28-meter high tower that offers us an amazing view of the central, northern and eastern parts of the city but also of the hills around the city.
If you want to get to the tower by car, you can do it from Privighetorii/Fülemüle Street.
The tower is open daily, with no time limit, regardless of the season, for those looking for a special tourist attraction.(In some cases, between 15th November and 15th March, the lookout tower may be closed).


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