Hotel Tivoli

Full description

Hidden in a dense forest, on the Eastern part of the Bear Lake, Hotel Tivoli can be accessed on a winding road, through the forest.
Built in 1926 by Sófalvi Illyés Tibor, son of Sófalvi Illyés Lajos, the founder of the Upper Bath, it was considered one of the most upscale buildings of the resort. The hotel, which looked like a castle, was part of hotel-chain “Tivoli”, where royal and noble families spent their holidays. Between the two world wars Hotel Tivoli was frequented by Romanian, Greek and English royal family members and due to this fact it was named the “hotel of the kings”.
Nowadays the hotel can be visited by car and also by foot through a forest path. Near the hotel, on Lake Tivoli you can rent boats, pedal boats or try your skills in the adventure park.


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